Narita to Haneda: How to travel between Tokyo airports

How to get to Tokyo from Narita Airport

Narita and Haneda both serve Tokyo and it’s typical to transfer between the two airports. However, people who are booking flights often underestimate the distance between them.

Narita is 70 km east of Tokyo whereas Haneda is 19 km south of the capital. There are many ways of making the journey from Narita to Haneda (or vice versa) and the journey time varies greatly depending on the chosen route.

This article will explain the various ways you can travel between Narita and Haneda and outline the pros and cons of each way. This includes the best way to get between the two airports using the JR Pass. Please check also our article about travelling from Haneda to Tokyo.

Narita to Haneda by train

There are many possible ways of getting from Narita to Haneda by train. The best way to go depends on whether you have a JR Pass and, if you don’t, whether you want to take the quickest or the cheapest way.

The cheapest way for JR Pass holders

The fastest way of getting between Narita and Haneda, which is fully covered by the JR Pass, is to take the Narita Express (also known as N’Ex), followed by short journeys on the Yamanote line and the Tokyo Monorail.

The whole journey takes around 1 hour 55 minutes when you factor in layovers. The Narita Express takes 75 mins from Narita to Tokyo Station, the Yamanote line to Hamamatsucho takes 7 minutes, and the Tokyo Monorail to Haneda Airport takes 18 minutes.

Narita Express route map

Using JR Narita Express and Keikyu line

Combining the Narita Express with the Keikyu line is quicker than the cheapest way (outlined above) but it’s only partially covered by the JR Pass.  The Narita Express is normally 3,200 yen but is covered by the pass, and the Keikyu train costs just 410 yen (and isn’t covered by the pass).

The whole journey takes 1 hour 35 minutes. The Narita Express from Narita Airport to Shinagawa takes 70 minutes, and then the Keikyu train to Haneda Airport takes 20 minutes.

Direct trains on the Keisei and Kiekyu lines

Direct trains, operated by the Keisei and Keikyu companies, operate every 40 minutes more or less. The service is also sometimes known as “Access Express” or “Airport Kaitoku“.

The journey takes around 90 minutes (making it the fastest way to get from Narita to Haneda) and costs 1760 yen. It is not covered by the JR Pass.

Airport Shuttle: Limousine Bus

The limousine bus is another relatively quick way of making the journey between the two airports. The transfer takes between 65 to 85 minutes depending on the traffic and a one-way ticket costs around 3,200 yen.

Limousine bus, Narita Airport transfer to Tokyo

The service operates between 6:55 am to 9:25 pm and buses depart every 15-20 minutes. From Haneda to Narita, buses leave every 20 minutes but at the beginning and end of the day they run less frequently, roughly every 45 minutes.

During peak times of the year the buses can become fully booked. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to book your seat at least 72 hours beforehand.

Catching a taxi between Narita and Haneda

Long-distance taxis are not cheap in Japan. The journey takes around 60-80 minutes though the time (and the cost) can vary depending on the traffic. The fare is very expensive compared to trains and buses (at least 40,000 yen but the prices vary greatly). Most taxis accept credit card but ask the driver before the journey.

It’s a useful option if you land very early or late as taxis operate 24/7. However, visitors should be aware that taxis add a 20-30% surcharge for rides between 10 pm and 5 am.

It’s also possible to catch an Uber from either airport. Visitors need to download and use the Uber app to be able to order one. The fare costs around 25,000 which is much cheaper than a normal taxi.

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