Gotokuji Temple: Birthplace of Maneki-neko

Gotokuji temple (護国寺 in kanji) is well known across Japan as the supposed origin of Maneki-neko, the “beckoning cat” figurine which is said to bring good fortune and success to its owner if kept in their bedroom or place of study.

Many people across the world mistakenly believe that this good luck talisman is Chinese in origin due to its popularity among Chinese and Vietnamese communities. However, the birthplace of Maneki-neko is undoubtedly in Japan, and one of the most popular legends links it directly to Gotojuki.

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Shibuya Crossing, the world’s busiest crossing

One of the busiest pedestrian crossings in the world, Shibuya crossing is perhaps the most iconic symbol of the city of Tokyo around the world.

Shibuya Crossing’s large advertising screens and heavy foot traffic means it is often compared to the Times Square intersection in New York and Piccadilly Circus in London, and it is often seen as representative of the ultra-modern image of Tokyo projected worldwide.

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Yoyogi Station travel guide

Yoyogi Station first opened its doors in 1906. Today, the two stations that make up Yoyogi Station serve nearly 100,000 passengers daily. As part of the Yamanote Loop, Yoyogi is a popular station, especially for those attending a sporting event or seeking an escape from the city in the spacious Yoyogi Park and its environs.

Yoyogi will also serve as an important hub during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Plan your trip today with the aid of this handy travel guide.

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